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What is a Hindutva? Who is a Hindu?

Gurvinder Singh

Updated: Jul 23, 2024

'Hindu' is the name Persian invaders gave to the people who lived beyond the river 'Sindhu' (the Sanskrit name of the Indus River) and the name stuck. Hindus are the people who inhabit this land. The British gave Bharat the name India.

Even Muslims when travelling on 'Haj' to Saudi Arabia are classified by Arab countries as Hindi. The term Hindu is foreign and we have come to live with it. 'Hindutva' is not a religious term it translates into 'Indianness'. A term that represents the society and the people of India.

Hinduism is greatly misunderstood. There is no such religion as Hinduism. There is only a deep science and philosophy known as 'Sanatana Dharma' meaning the eternal way. The way nature was, is, and will always be. This universal philosophy applies to all creation and existence independent of ideology, gender, religion race, etc.

Sanatana Dharma is a spiritual and philosophical tradition and practice that is both complex and vast. It requires a true seeker possessing purity of thought and dedication to understand and implement.

Over time Sanatana Dharma has come to be erroneously considered only as Hinduism. Sanatana Dharma in truth is the abstract-natured mother from which user-friendly practices of Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, and Jainism have taken birth. That is why there is so much overlapping of thoughts and practice between them.

I have considered Sanatana Dharma reflected as Hinduism in this article for the sake of convenience and simplicity.

An Indian can follow the teachings of the Muslim Prophet Muhammad, without being an Arab or Turk and remain a Hindu. An Indian can also follow the teachings of Christ without being a European or Middle Eastern and remain a Hindu.

What does being Hindu mean? Because India is such an open civilisation, anything and everything is accepted. Here are some aspects,


  1. Believe in God! - You are an Aastik - You are accepted unconditionally.

  2. Don't believe in God! - You too are accepted as a Nastik. a non-believer.

  3. You want to worship idols - please go ahead. You are a Murti Pujak.

  4. You don't want to worship idols - no problem. You can focus on Nirguna Brahman. the formless One.

  5. You want to criticise something in religion. Please come forward, let's discuss this logically and intellectually. Nyaya, Tarka etc. search for truth, justice, debate and discussions are core Hindu approaches.

  6. You are most welcome if you want to accept beliefs as they are. After all, it's your choice.

  7. If you want to read and study. Sure! many texts are available 'Bhagavad Gita', Upanishads, Purana, Guru Granth, etc.

  8. If you want to search by reading something else - There is no restriction go ahead with your search.

  9. You don't like reading, immerse yourself in the Bhakti tradition, (love and devotion)

  10. You don't like the idea of Bhakti! No problem. Perform good deeds forge your Karma. Be a Karmayogi.

  11. If you want to enjoy life. Very good. No problem at all. This is the 'Charvaka' Philosophy.

  12. You want to abstain from all the enjoyment of life and find God - jai ho! Be an ascetic! a Sadhu, a person who lives in absolute simplicity seeking to be one with nature.

  13. You don't like the concept of God. You believe in Nature only - Welcome. 'Prakriti' as nature is called is worthy of worship.

  14. You believe in one God or Supreme Energy. Superb! Follow the 'Advaita' philosophy.

  15. You want a Guru. Go ahead. Receive learning, 'Gyaan'.

  16. You don't want a Guru. Do 'Dyhan', help yourself! Meditate, Study

  17. You believe in Female energy! Shakti' is worshipped.

  18. You believe that all beings are equally worthy of love and respect. Yeah! You're awesome, 'Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam' (We are all children of this one earth, we are all one family)

  19. You don't have time to celebrate a particular festival. Don't worry. You can enjoy another festival, there are multiple festivals every single day of the year.

  20. You are busy and don't have time for religion? It's alright, you will still be a Hindu because there are no demands or compulsions.

  21. You like to go to temples. No problem, devotion at any time and any place is all you need to connect to the Divine.

  22. You don't like to go to temples, or any other place of worship - no problem. You will remain a Hindu!

  23. Hinduism is a way to achieve success, peace and happiness. You live life, with considerable freedom.

  24. You believe that everything has God in it. So you worship your mother, father, Guru, Tree, River, Prani-mitra, Earth, Universe!

  25. Because every individual's viewpoint is worthy of respect, there is no problem if you don't believe that the Divine (GOD) exists in all things and all beings.

  26. 'Sarve jana sukhina bhavantu' (May all live in peace and contentment)

All of us represent this! We are free to choose. Whatever we decide to choose we will still be considered a Hindu.

This is exactly the essence of Hinduism, of 'all-inclusiveness'. That is why it has withstood the test of time despite repeated onslaughts both from within and outside. Sanatana Dharma has assimilated good aspects from everything. That is why it is eternal !!!

  • There is a saying in Rigveda, the first book ever known to mankind which defines the Hinduism philosophy in a Nutshell - "Let knowledge come to us from every direction".


Many wise teachers, preachers, and scholars are now opening themselves up to these concepts, even Christians and Muslims. Here is an example.

We Are All Hindus Now - Sermon by Rev. Jennifer Ryu


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                                                          Ref: G0951 - V0069



sunil sharma
sunil sharma
Aug 08, 2024

Beautifully worded


Troy Dyer
Troy Dyer
Jul 25, 2024

Thanks much for this feel-good all-inclusive post.


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