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Power of goodness

Gurvinder Singh

Looking at a partially full glass of water sparks the ages-old debate, 'Is the glass half empty or half full?'

There is no need to break our heads, the simple answer depends on whether we are pouring into or out of it. If we are pouring into the glass it's half full. Whereas, when we pour out of the glass it's half empty.

People are similar. They are not absolute, they are a mix, partially good and bad.

If we want something from them, we discover the goodness they possess, much like the half-full glass. Then they are perceived as somewhat full of positive traits. If we wish to avoid or oppose them we discover many flaws within them, much like a half-empty glass.

The person is the same, depending on our needs and wants our perspectives and opinions about people get shaped.

Opinions and perspectives are not only formed by wants and needs but also by how we want to make ourselves feel vis a vis others.

Being around people with positive energy makes us feel good about ourselves. On the other hand, merely looking at the flaws may make us feel smug but it tends to bring about more negativity than caution demands. As a result, we feel negatively about everything and everyone.


Let us leave these notions of nobility for a while and focus on our selfish interests.

Materially speaking no individual is an island. We have to work with other individuals and groups. Working with others requires us to harness their strengths and goodness. We can't achieve success or build great teams unless we see and tap into the positive power of goodness.

So look for the positive and achieve success. Ignore the negative unless it gets in the way. Soon we will find that achieving success is easier and quicker.


From my book 'Inside Out - Achieving Success and Realising Happiness'

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                                                          Ref: G0952 - V0070



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