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Are you being Treated or Healed?

Gurvinder Singh

Updated: Oct 4, 2024

The natural body-mind is a beautiful self-regulating mechanism. However, natural mechanisms and processes function at their own pace, taking time.

The fear of death, our longing to live excessively long, our desire not only to avoid pain and discomfort but to seek immediate relief from discomfort, and then there is our obsession to keep looking and feeling good, all these factors drive us to adopt unnatural processes.

When the body gets out of balance it needs some assistance to heal itself. help All it needs is some input and care from time to time especially when it gets damaged. So we need doctors to help us recover.

Employing the knowledge and skills from ancient and modern medicine, we humans have achieved seemingly good health and longevity. However, the truth is none can heal the body except the body itself.

Unfortunately what was once considered a noble profession has become to a large extent a business. Business is not a bad thing but in the case of an illness the doctor and hospital benefit from human misery.

Earlier the medicine men, Ved, Hakim etc. were mostly healers. Considering their capabilities as gifts from the Universe, they healed without demanding fees, depending on the grateful patient to pay what he or she could and chose to pay. It is noble because it is driven not by profit from misery but by unconditional assistance to heal the suffering.

What are the other differences between the two types of doctors, those that treat and those that heal?

The one who treats believes that he or she provides you a cure through the power of their knowledge, treatments and medicines. Such 'professional' thinking is purely intellectual and technical.

Originating in the mind and mainly intellectual it tends to make the one who treats, arrogant. In turn, this reduces the efficacy of the treatment and makes the doctor more prone to making mistakes.

Numerous studies and trials show that emotional and spiritual support triggers and promotes greater wellness. This is because healing is treating the patient coupling it with energy flow.

A healer knows that it is the being that heals itself.

The healer in addition to knowledge and skill taps into free-flowing universal energy and transmits it through their being and delivers it  to the patient

In this case, the energy flows from the treater's mind to the being of the one being treated, thus allowing the being to heal. Energy born of our own emotions coupled with the healer's energy facilitates the flow of universal energy to the ill and heals them.

This is what gives rise to 'The Placebo Effect'. An effect that convinces the patient that they are being healed.

As a boy, I learnt how to give a massage. I discovered the power of relieving aches and pains. The more passionate and dedicated I became, the stronger my instinct and effectiveness have been.

A healer establishes a deep emotional connection when they treat us, just like a mother's kiss or touch that helps us heal. By itself spirituality, love, care, desire or concern is not enough, we also need the power of Science.

Science is not necessarily modern or recent, it may be thousands of years old. Science is not necessarily packaged with a degree or attached to a tag. Modern Science discounts emotions and is almost entirely intellectual. This has become the way of science, the application of the mind without a soul.

Science takes limited energy from the treater's mind and applies it to the externality of the recipient without touching the patient's being, hence its limitations. Science coupled with spirituality has the potential to draw energy from the entire universe and deliver it to where it is needed.

That is why we witness a third category the trained healer. A practitioner, or doctor who possesses the knowledge, skill, patience, experience and genuine desire to heal the patient. They know that they can do much but the power to heal comes not from them but through them. They are powerful yet mindful of the limits of their powers and despite their greatness, they are respectful, polite and never arrogant.

May the power of the Universe flow through you and keep you healthy.


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