The original sinister motive for imposing lockdowns
The age old phrase, 'Divide and Rule', it is actually a counter to 'Unite and Revolt'. A study of history shows that in order to people...
The original sinister motive for imposing lockdowns
Fear is a State of Mind
Already suffering because of fear
What do we know about the COVID-19 Coronavirus Vaccine?
Chances of surviving COVID-19 are now very good.
Carrying Coronavirus fear much too far
Covid-19 is not the kiss of death.
Meaning of Developed, Developing and Underdeveloped.
Trump's letter to World Health Organisation
China's gifts to the world
Coronavirus facts chase China's official narrative.
Dreaming of Immortality
Never underestimate the arrogance and stupidity of humans.
The great economic coup by China from Coronavirus?
If the schools remain shut much longer, then ....
Will Coronavirus COVID-19, kill me?
India fights Coronavirus